Bible Thoughts

Bible Thoughts

Why Restore Fourfold?


Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and a wealthy man. When he decided to follow Jesus, he made the following statement:


Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” ~ Luke 19:8


One day while I was reading the above verses, I asked the Lord: Why restore fourfold of what he has taken? And the following came to my mind ...


The first fold is to restore what he has taken from the other party.

The second fold is interest and any cost incurred because of his false accusation.

The third and fourth fold is given so that he now becomes the giver instead of the debtor so he can re-build his relationship with the one he has wrongly accused.


Not only was Zacchaeus a wealthy tax collector, he was also a smart businessman who has great wisdom in the management of his wealth.





* For more details about Zacchaeus, please read our post "A Successful Man of Actions - Zacchaeus".


* For more information about prosperity and the managment of wealth, please read our free e-book "True Wealth Comes from God".


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