Bible Thoughts

Bible Thoughts

Why was Everything Meaningless to King Solomon?



Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher (king Solomon). “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:2


The above is a famous sentence spoken by king Solomon, the richest king in the history of Israel. Not only did he have exceedingly great wealth, but he also had great power and authorities, as well as a thousand wives and concubines, and he even received astonishing wisdom from God! How could a man like him still think that Life is Meaningless?


The answer is short and simple …



King Solomon Did Not Have Love!


Solomon was born after king David committed adultery with his mother Bathsheba and murdered her righteous husband to cover his crime. God killed the child of their adultery as a punishment so Solomon was probably given birth not because of David's love for Bathsheba, but because he wanted to make compensation to her. 


Moreover, having been brought up in a king’s family, Solomon certainly had gone through many power struggles which ended up in him killing his own brother. Further, even though Solomon had relationships with numerous women, it appears that he did not do so out of love, but rather to gain more power (marrying Pharaoh's daughter and other Princesses) and to have more descendants to secure his position.



What is the Meaning of Life Without Love?


Imagine a Life Without Love! No love from parents, no love from siblings, no romantic love, no friendship, no loving children, no love relationship of any kind. What kind of life would that be? How miserable can it get?



Christians distinguish themselves by their love


Followers of Christ are often called “salt of the world”. Many preachers interpreted this as meaning an opposition force that slows down the corruption of the world, but “salt” is also a seasoning ingredient. Like salt which adds flavour to a dish, Christians add flavour to this meaningless world with their love!


By this all will know that you are My (Jesus') disciples, if you have love for one another. ~ John 13:35


You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? ~ Matthew 5:13


It has already been prophesied in the Bible that the world will grow cold, especially in the Last Days. However, Christians still have love because their love is poured out in their hearts through the Holy Spirit! This is well demonstrated in the love and close relationships among Christians in the early churches.


While king Solomon still thinks that life is meaningless in spite of his great wealth and power, apostle Paul, on the other hand, feels that his life is so meaningful that he strived to live on in spite of his great sufferings in order to do more work for Jesus and for his fellow Christians.



King Solomon Found Out the Answer


Fortunately, king Solomon with his God given wisdom finally found out this answer by himself. For all our labor in a meaningless world, LOVE is our reward! 


Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun, all your days of vanity; for that is your portion in life, and in the labor which you perform under the sun. ~ Ecclesiastes 9:9



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