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Table of Content

 (Alphabetical Order)


  1. Are We Not Supposed to Know the Time?

  2. Babies Live on Love, Not Just Milk!

  3. Barabbas and the False Messiah

  4. Beware of False Prophets

  5. Beware of Hail Storms

  6. Bible Summarized in the Story of Adam and Eve, The

  7. But the Net was NOT Broken!

  8. Dealing with Sleep Paralysis

  9. Did Lamech Escape Judgement by Changing God's Words?

  10. Different God in the New and the Old Testament?

  11. Discipline of a Loving Father

  12. Divine Wisdom vs Worldly Wisdom

  13. Does Mankind Have a Soul or a Spirit?

  14. Every Tongue that Rises Against You, YOU Must Condemn!

  15. Faith that Moves Mountains, The

  16. False Prophets and Judgements on Them

  17. Fighting Depression

  18. Four Types of Earthly Kingdoms

  19. From Fear to Love

  20. From Milk to Solid Food

  21. Generational Curse in God's Family Broken by Joseph

  22. God's Chosen Leaders

  23. Grab Every Opportunity to Give, NOW!

  24. Greater Blessings. The

  25. Growth of a Little Boy

  26. How does Darkness Enter a Man's Heart?

  27. How to Make Correct Decisions Every Time?

  28. How to Save Ourselves from the Wrath of God?

  29. How to Speak in Tongues - Personal Testimony

  30. I Do Not Even Know What "LOVE" Is

  31. Importance of Common People to a Nation

  32. I will Bless Those who Bless You, and Whoever Curses You I will Curse

  33. Is it Easier to say "Your Sins are Forgiven"? or "Take up your Bed and Walk?"

  34. Is Justice the Same as Righteousness?

  35. Is the Earth Flat According to the Bible?

  36. Is the Nature of Man Good or Evil?

  37. King Cyrus and President Trump

  38. Life of Jesus Shown in Astronomical Signs

  39. Love Your Neighbors as Yourself, NOT Everyone!

  40. Older Shall Serve the Younger, The

  41. Parenting of God vs Parenting of Man

  42. Preachers, Stop Asking for Offerings!

  43. Preparing for End Time Harvest

  44. Producing Fruits of Repentance

  45. Prophecy for 2023 - from Bobby Connor

  46. Prophecy Given in 1963 by Kenneth E Hagin

  47. Proposal of "Two State Solution" for Israel

  48. Receiving a Hundredfold!

  49. September 11th and the End Times

  50. Should Women Submit to Men?

  51. Story of a Wise King

  52. Success of President Lincoln

  53. Successful Man of Actions - Zacchaeus, A

  54. Supernatural Health of God's Servants

  55. Symbolic Meaning of Jesus Feeding Multitudes

  56. This is the MYSTERY!

  57. Thorns and Thistles - a Deeper Meaning

  58. Three Temptation Tactics of the Devil

  59. Trump Prophecy

  60. Trust in God, Not Man of God

  61. Touch Not Mine Anointed!

  62. Was Adam Deceived by Eve to Eat the Forbidden Fruit?

  63. We were Born for Such a Time as This

  64. What did Jesus Write on the Ground?

  65. What does a Cherub Look Like?

  66. What does Writing Laws on Our Hearts Mean?

  67. What is "Second Death"?

  68. What is the Light Within Us?

  69. What One Righteous Man Can Do?

  70. What Should I Do to be Saved?

  71. What to Do When Injustice Abounds?

  72. What was Melchizedek's Blessing to Abraham?

  73. When Church Has Become a Business

  74. When Facing Persecutions, Do Not Fear!

  75. Where is the Field of Hidden Treasures?

  76. Who are the Sons of God?

  77. Who are the True Disciples of Jesus?

  78. Who is Gog of Magog?

  79. Who is the Rock? Peter or Jesus?

  80. Why Born Again Christians Cannot Sin?

  81. Why Companies Should Hire Christians?

  82. Why David's Son Absalom Rebelled Against Him?

  83. Why Do Good People Suffer?

  84. Why Did God Make Man With Clay?

  85. Why Did Samson Lose His Power After Cutting His Hair?

  86. Why did Young Jesus Stay Behind after His Parents Left Jerusalem?

  87. Why Evil Spirits Were NOT Cast Out Before Jesus' Time?

  88. Why Forgive 70x7 Times?

  89. Why Global De-population Must Fail?

  90. Why is Bible Still the Most Popular Book in the World?

  91. Why Jesus Healed a Man with Withered Hand on Sabbath?

  92. Why New Wine Must be Put into New Wineskins?

  93. Why Restore Fourfold?

  94. Why Should Men Obey God's Laws?

  95. Why was Canaan Cursed Because of His Father?

  96. Why was Everything Meaningless to King Solomon?

  97. Why was Joseph Prosperous as a Slave?

  98. Why We Must Do Good to Our Enemies?

  99. Why were Ephraim and Dan Cut Off from the Tribes of Israel?

  100. Why were 7 nations Driven Out Before the Israelites?

  101. Will All Bible Prophecies Be Fulfilled?

  102. Winning Every Battle in Our Lives!

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Now he who plants and he who waters are one, but each will receive his reward according to his labor. ~ 1 Corinthians 3:8