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God’s Chosen Leaders



We know that Israel is God's Chosen People because they are the descendants of Abraham, Issac and Jacob; but how about God's chosen leaders? If we examine closely, we will find that most of God's chosen leaders have similar occupations. Let us look at these occupations one by one, and make a guess on why they were chosen.





In the Old Testament, most of God’s chosen leaders were shepherds.


  • The first shepherd was Adam’s second son Abel. He worked as a shepherd for his whole life before he was murdered by his brother Cain at a young age. 
  • Abraham was also a shepherd even though he also kept other animals.
  • Jacob was a shepherd, and he took care of the sheep of his father-in-law Laban for 20 years.
  • Joseph and his brothers were all shepherds
  • The whole nation of Israel worked as shepherds after they migrated to Egypt.
  • Moses worked as a shepherd for 40 years after he escaped from Egypt.
  • King David was a shepherd boy before he was anointed as king to replace king Saul.
  • And many more …


Why did God choose shepherds, and not farmers, tailors or warriors? As mentioned in our previous post “Generational Curse of God’s Family Broken by Joseph”, Adam is the son of God, and his descendants also belong to God’s family. 


When Adam was driven out from the Garden of Eden to live in the Fallen World, his loving Father continued to send leaders who can teach them and guide them, like a good shepherd who takes care of his own sheep. 





In the New Testament, however, shepherds were no longer called to be leaders. Instead, many of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen like Peter, James and John.


Why was there such a change? I believe this is because the whole nation of Israel had been scattered after the exiles, and can no longer be gathered together like a flock of sheep. Therefore, they have to be “caught” like fishermen casting their nets into the sea. This was also what Jesus said to Peter when He called Peter to follow Him.


And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him. ~ Matthew 4:18-20





There is also another important occupation of chosen leaders in the New Testament, which is builder. The occupation of apostle Paul was tent builder. Peter also built tents as recorded in the following verses.


… and because he (Paul) was a tentmaker as they (some Jewish people) were, he stayed and worked with them.


Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” ~ Matthew 17:4


Why did Jesus choose builders? I believe it is because when all His people have been gathered, a builder is needed to put everyone in place to build up the Temple / Church for God.


Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? ~ 1 Corinthians 3:16


One more interesting thing to note is, President Donald J. Trump is also a builder.





There is one more occupation to take note of, and that is Carpenter


When we talk about carpenters in the Bible, most people will immediately think of Jesus and His guardian father Joseph. Truly, Jesus and His Father are the ones who shape each piece of wood into a useful vessel. 


And of course, Jesus is much more than a carpenter. He is also a good shepherd, a potter, a teacher, a healer, a King, and much more! Blessed be our Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ!


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