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Parenting of God vs Parenting of Man



In our previous posts, we have mentioned that the Bible always shows us parallels between fruitful and unfruitful ways of doing things. In this post, we will continue to explore how parenting of God differs from the parenting of Man.



Parenting of Joseph's Physical Father Jacob


Jacob had four wives and twelve sons. Among all his children, he loved Joseph “more than his other sons because Joseph had been born to him in his old age” (Genesis 37:3). To show his favour, Jacob made for Joseph a “robe of many colours” to set him above all his other siblings.


However, Jacob’s favour towards Joseph turned out to be a curse rather than a blessing! Joseph was hated by all his brothers because of his father’s favouritism, and they even wanted to kill him but finally sold him to Egypt as a slave instead!



Parenting of Our Heavenly Father


Fortunately, Joseph continued to be parented by his Heavenly Father God after he had been taken to Egypt. Unlike his physical father Jacob, God let Joseph go through many challenges, but He was always with Joseph and ready to deliver him when the trial exceeded what Joseph could bear . As it is written in the Scriptures: 


God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:13


In addition, God also blessed Joseph with many special talents and leadership skills so that he could be of service to the people in Egypt. Finally, when he was given a chance to stand before Pharaoh, Joseph was quickly promoted to become the ruler of the whole nation (Genesis 41:37-44).



Whom God Called, These He also Justified


Unlike many earthly fathers who demand their subordinates to submit to their sons, God develops His Chosen Ones to earn their own positions and respect. 


Whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. ~ Romans 8:30


Jesus was certainly chosen by God because there were so many prophecies about Him long before He was born. However, God did not force anyone to bow down to His Son. Instead, He let Jesus go through many sufferings and provide useful service to Mankind to justify His inheritance of all Heaven and Earth. Therefore, unlike all the kings who were anointed only by the Lord through His chief priest, Jesus was the only King who had been anointed both by God and by Man (See our e-Book “What is Anointing?”)


Likewise, Joseph was given two dreams that he would reign over Jacob's family, but his brothers would not submit to him (Genesis 31:5-10). However, Joseph justified himself through suffering many hardships caused by their jealousy. Finally, after forgiving all their evil acts and saving their lives in times of famine, his brothers willingly bowed down to him.


So do not be surprised when we go through persecutions, for this may be a necessary process to justify ourselves for the reward God has prepared for us. Before God glorifies, He justifies. 



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Generational Curse in God’s Family Broken by Joseph

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