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The Bible Summarized in the Story of Adam and Eve



The first Adam sinned and was driven out of Eden. Then the last Adam overcame sin and received all authorities in Heaven and on Earth. If we take the first Adam and the last Adam as the same person, maybe we can re-write the story of Adam and Eve in the following way.



Father, Adam and Eve


King Father created Adam to be a king and taught him kingship. However, unlike Father who is a Spirit, Adam was made from flesh so he started to feel lonely. Knowing the thoughts of His beloved son, Father brought to him all kinds of fascinating animals that He has created, but Adam could not find a helper and companion. 


Finally, Father took a part of Adam’s body to create Eve, and Adam was delighted! Having found a companion eventually, he said, “This is now the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”



Difficult Decision of Adam


But Eve was innocent. She has not been taught kingship and she was deceived by the Serpent. Knowing that Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit, Adam had a difficult decision to make. Adam knows that his King Father is just and will surely punish Eve for violating His command. However, he loves her so much that he does not want to be separated from her. Finally, Adam decided to eat the forbidden fruit together with Eve so they could go through any consequences together. Who knows? Maybe he could find a way to save her?


Then as Adam had expected, they were judged, and their punishment was to be driven out from the Garden of Eden into the Fallen World.



What Happened in the Fallen World?


After leaving Eden, Adam put on sackcloth and asked his Father for forgiveness, but he sought in vain. At the same time, the Serpent started to approach Eve again, saying, “Your husband Adam has deceived you, Eve. He has enjoyed so much before you were created, and now he just covers you with sackcloth. Follow me, and I will show you all the splendours of this world.” 


Again, Eve was deceived and she followed the Serpent. Adam was sad, but he waited. He believed that one day Eve would return, and once again they would be re-united.



Eve Woke Up


Poor Eve who followed the Serpent did not see the splendours of the world. Instead, she was used, oppressed and put in bondage.


One day, Eve finally woke up and said to herself, “What am I doing here? The Serpent used me, mistreated me, and corrupted our children. But Adam loves me and always gives his best to me. Even though we lived modestly after we were driven out from Eden, with him I always feel loved, peaceful and secure. I miss Adam!”


Noticing that Eve might run away, the Serpent increasingly put restrictions and hardships on her, and Eve suffered more and more under the control of the Serpent.



Adam Rescued Eve


Having heard of Eve’s worsening conditions, Adam went to negotiate with the Serpent. “Give Eve back to me! Whatever Eve owes you, I will pay you back”, Adam said. But the Serpent was cunning. He said to Adam, “How can you pay me back? She has sold herself to me. Even her life is mine!” Then calmly Adam said, “ You can take my life for hers.”


The Serpent thought it was such a great deal! After killing Adam, he could take all his possessions, and even Eve will remain under his control. So the Serpent quickly agreed, and killed Adam in the most brutal way.



Eve Saw Adam Again


Seeing the death of Adam, Eve was devastated! Without Adam, how could she continue to live alone? She wept bitterly. Then a man suddenly appeared to her, saying, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Eve opened her eyes, and saw that it was Adam! She was so astonished that she could not speak!


“Eve, Father has finally heard my pleading and has forgiven our transgressions”, Adam said. “He gave me a new life and permitted us to go back to the Garden of Eden. Not only that, He has also given me all authorities in Heaven and on Earth so the Serpent or any other enemies can never harm you again.”


“Dear Adam, I am so sorry for everything I did!” Eve cried out, “Please take me with you.” Then Adam answered, “Not yet, my dear. There are still works that I need to do, and I have to prepare a new place for you. But trust me, I will certainly come back. I will marry you and we will be together for eternity.” Then Adam left.


From that day onwards, Eve was with filled with hope again. Everyday she would be waiting and preparing herself for the coming wedding with her beloved husband Adam, who has sacrificed his life to save her.


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