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Why is Bible Still the Most Popular Book in the World?



The Bible is still the most popular book in the world! "Word Rated” states that 6.4 Bibles are sold every 10 seconds, and the “2021 Guinness Book of World Records” quotes a similar figure. But what is so special about the Bible that it still ranks the first among all books in the world even after 2,000 years?



The Word is Living! 


Recently I heard a testimony given by a young lady who shared how she became a Christian. She said when she started to read the Bible, she could not put it down until she had finished reading the whole book, and she was baptised almost immediately. I was astonished when I heard this! Someone has the same experience I had so I am NOT the only one! The Bible is still drawing people to itself! 


When I started to read the Bible, I had a very substantial feeling that the Book is alive! There seems to be a still small voice that guides me through the Scriptures, and the Word softly comforts me and satisfies the deepest yearnings of my soul. I could almost compare it to meeting a soulmate finally, and you never want to be separated from him or her again. Maybe this explains why the Bible has become a lifetime companion for many people.



There is Always Something New!


Moreover, you will never grow tired reading the Bible because this “soulmate” always has something new to surprise you! I believe I have read the Bible more than most people, but every time I read it, I can almost always discover something new!


As mentioned in my previous post “Where is the Field of Hidden Treasures?”, I am convinced that the Bible is written in an advanced multi-level language with many hidden meanings and messages. It gives great pleasure and satisfaction to readers who have found them, and also motivates them to keep searching for more. 



These Truths are Important, Necessary and Relevant


Even though some people may think that this 2,000 year old book is no longer relevant, but in fact I believe the opposite is true! Not only are many things written in the Bible relevant, but they are also essential for our successful living!


For example when I face difficulties, many times I can think of some Bible characters who had gone through the same or similar experience that I had. This gives me much comfort because I know that I am not alone, and there is already an example that I can follow on how I can handle the situation.


Another example is when I am confused about some world situations. The Bible often gives me some insights like the genealogy of some people, and what some nations had gone through in the past. Then all of a sudden, these world affairs just become very understandable, and also makes a lot of sense. 



The Holy Spirit will Reveal


Even though I always want to share revelations that I have received, there are still many more things which I believe cannot be shared now, or inappropriate to discuss about at the moment. I just hope our testimonies will serve as an encouragement to motivate our readers to study the Bible themselves, and to receive all these amazing revelations in their hearts with the help of our great Teacher, the Holy Spirit.


During His ministry, Jesus has already given us this promise:


“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. ~ John 16:12-13



Related Post:

Where is the Field of Hidden Treasures?


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