Christian Living

Christian Living

Dealing with Sleep Paralysis



What is Sleep Paralysis?


Sleep Paralysis is a condition during sleep when a person feels awake but is unable to move or speak. Sometimes the person can also feel pressure on his body or a sense of choking.



Cause of Sleep Paralysis


Medical doctors have different explanations on this condition, but having experienced it many times myself, I would simply call it "demonic attack". Why do I say so? Because every time I cry out the name of Jesus, this condition goes away.



Effective Treatment of Sleep Paralysis


As mentioned, this condition usually disappears when one cries out the name of Jesus. However, sometimes it is difficult to speak in this kind of situation, and the person may need to struggle to just make a sound out of his mouth.





One effective way to prevent this condition altogether is by "praying and praising God aloud" before going to bed. Remember, in the Church Age, our strongest weapon is our WORDS! (See our e-book "The Power of Words")


If you find yourself experiencing sleep paralysis quite frequently during a certain period, try praising God aloud in bed before sleeping. It seems like demons cannot tolerate people praising God, and they often just flee. Some people suggest that it is because one attracts angelic beings into his presence when they praise God. Whatever the reason, just praise God aloud. If you do not know how to praise God, just read from our blog post "10 Bible Verses to Praise the Lord".


Of course, the most effective way is to always keep ourselves in the love of God. If one experiences any form of demonic attack, it often suggests that he or she has opened a door to the devil. We must therefore "resist the devil until it flees from us". (James 4:7)


Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. ~ 1 Peter 5:8


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