Christian Living

Christian Living

Every Tongue that Rises Against You, YOU Must Condemn!



The following is a well known Bible verse that Christians use for protection, but most people miss the word YOU!


"No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn.This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord ..."  ~ Isaiah 54:17


When facing wrongful accusations or judgments, most Christians just pray and hope something will happen. However, the Scripture clearly states that it is WE who have to do the work! As mentioned in our other posts, God has already given us the most powerful weapon in the New Testament Era, which is OUR WORD!


God already promised us that "no weapon that is formed against His servants can prosper". If you are a servant of the Lord, boldly declare the following when you face persecutions or have been unfairly treated!


In the name of Jesus, I bind every tongue that wrongly accuses me!




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