Christian Living

Christian Living

Fighting Depression



The number of people suffering from depression increases rapidly in recent years. To most people, "depression" is just a form of mental disorder. However, in many cases, depression is actually related to some kind of demonic attack.


The best way to deal with depression is of course praying to God for total deliverance, but for individuals who have not yet received this faith, the following three methods can be used to bring fast relief to depression symptoms.



1. Purge Your Digestive System


This is seldom noticed, but many depression symptoms can be caused by toxic substances, parasites, bacteria, and other harmful life forms inside the patient's body. After purging the digestive system, many patients experience an uplift in their moods almost immediately. Three simple methods are listed below, but readers are encourated to seek doctor's advice for their specific conditions.


a. Colon Cleanse


There are many Colonic Centres nowadays which you can visit for a "Colema Treatment". This process uses liquid (usually pure water) to flush out waste substances in the colon. The entire treatment is rather safe and can usually be completed within an hour. If you have an “enema kit”, you can also perform enema on yourself.


b. Salt Water Flush


Mix 1–2 teaspoons of non-iodised salt in 1 litre of warm water, then drink it quickly and take a rest. Bowel movements usually follow within a short time. It is usually more effective to use this method first thing in the morning, but if this time is not suitable for you, you can also do this in other times after fasting for at least 2–3 hours. Also, if you are sensitive to sodium intake, consult your doctor before trying this method.


c. Use Natural Laxatives


You can experiment for yourself which food is most effective to induce bowel movements, as it differs according to each individual's body type and health conditions. Food such as prune juice, celery juice and some kinds of fruits can often act as natural laxatives, but you will need to experiment for yourself to find out the most effective choice.


It should be noted that even though these methods can bring fast relief, the effects are usually short lived. This is because the patient builds up toxins again after eating, and harmful life forms forms inside the digestive system also grows back. For more permanent results, the patient may consider cleansing his body more thoroughly by fasting (see my free e-book "Progressive Fasting") and change to a more healthy diet.



2. Read the Bible Out Loud


One condition that bothers many depression patients is the inability to stop negative thinking. If the patient is a Christian, I often suggest them to read the Bible out loud, and concentrate on doing this no matter what thoughts come to their mind. This takes some practice, but often brings good results. As mentioned above, many depression symptoms are actually caused by some kind of demonic attack, and reading the Bible out loud can drive these “evil spirits” away. This is especially effective if the patient reads praise verses. If you do not know which verses to read, just read from my blog post “10 Bible Verses to Praise the Lord” repeatedly until the negative thoughts go away. One of my patients read himself to sleep after suffering from insomnia for a long time, and now no longer needs any medicine to put himself to sleep.



3. Find Out the Root Cause of Your Depression


Another major cause of depression is sadness experienced in the past which has not yet been resolved. This repressed emotion may grow stronger over the years and finally becomes an incontrollable symptom to the patient. In such cases, the patient can consult a trusted psychotherapist to resolve this problem.


Finally, no matter how long you have suffered from depression, there is always a cure.


Casting all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7


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