Christian Living

Christian Living

Grab Every Opportunity to Give, NOW!



The Bible always teaches us to give to the poor. I believe many Christians also follow this command in obedience to the Lord. However, re-reading the story of the Rich Man and Beggar Lazarus today suddenly dawned on me that not only should we give to the poor, but we must in fact grab every opportunity to do so!



The Rich man and Beggar Lazarus


While readers are encouraged to read this fascinating story themselves (Luke 16:19-31), I would like to give a brief summary here for readers who are unfamiliar with this story told by Jesus.


Lazarus was a beggar laid at the gate of a rich man who longed to eat what fell from his table. When they both died, Lazarus was taken by the angels to Abraham’s bosom, and the rich man was taken to Hades where he was continously tormented by fire. The rich man then cried out to Abraham to send Lazarus to dip some water to cool his tongue. However, Abraham answered that it was not possible because there is a great gulf in between the two places, and this situation was also fair to him because he received good things in his lifetime and Lazarus received the evil.



What would Happen if the Rich Man had Shown Mercy?


The rich man did not receive mercy because he never showed any mercy! Lazarus was laid at his gate everyday, and it would have been so easy for the rich man to give him some food or drink in one of those days but he NEVER did! Why would he expect Lazarus to show him mercy when he was in need?


If the rich man had given Lazarus some water during those days, Lazarus would be obliged to return his favour. Also, our good God who is just will also provide a way for Lazarus to do so for certain, for it is written in the Scriptures: 


Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. ~ Matthew 5:7



We Reap What We Sow


This is a principle written in many parts of the Bible. As apostle Paul has said.:


But this I (Paul) say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:6


It is also worth noting that none of the rich man’s family nor friends were in Abraham’s bosom. The only one who was available to help him was this poor man Lazarus whom he despised.


Therefore, I think it is wise to grab every opportunity to show mercy whenever we can, for we never know when we will need a drop of water, and who will be available to help us. What do you think, dear readers?


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