Christian Living

Christian Living

The Older Shall Serve the Younger



The Younger Has Always Been the Chosen Ones

In most cultures, the older is usually set to be the Head. However, we can see from Bible history that, it is often the younger ones who have been chosen by God.


Abraham was the youngest among his father Terah's three sons. His son Issac was fourteen years younger than his elder brother Ishmael. Issac's son Jacob is the younger one of his twins. Even Moses was the youngest among his siblings, and king David was the youngest of his father's eight sons. Therefore, it is evident that the younger ones have often been the chosen ones of God to serve Him and to receive His blessings.



This was Clearly Stated


Since it was a common practice at that time to set the eldest son as the head of the family, people did not perceive that God does NOT choose the way Man does. God therefore made this very clear to Issac's wife Rebekah when her twins (Jacob and Esau) fought inside her womb.

Two nations are in your womb ..... One people will be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger. ~ Genesis 25:23



Does the Father Favor the Younger Son?

Some people may think that the Father favors the younger sons because they believe it is a big advantage to be God’s Chosen Ones. However, it is actually very obvious in the Bible that the Chosen Ones were usually the most persecuted ones! Almost all prophets were put to tragic deaths, and the Jews who are known to be “God's Chosen People” have been persecuted until this day.



So Why did God Choose the Younger?


Imagine a successful entrepreneur who has single-handedly built a huge business empire which feeds tens and thousands of employees. If this entrepreneur is a responsible leader who deeply concerns about the business and the welfare of his staff, what qualities would he be looking for when he has to find a successor? Wouldn’t he want to find someone who understands his values and would be willing to follow his will?


I believe the younger always appears to be the chosen ones just because many of them happen to have this quality. In fact, many chosen leaders in the Bible were not the youngest. Prophet Samuel was the eldest, Joseph was not the youngest, and Jesus Himself was the eldest among His mother’s sons. Perhaps the more important criteria is, who can do the will of the one who sent him?



So Why Should the Older Serve the Younger?


It is in fact very natural and universal for the stronger to serve the weaker. Most people will find it agreeable and even delightful to see men protecting women, adults taking care of children, and the rich giving to the poor. When people become selfish and use their strength to exploit the weak, chaotic situations and tragedies often happen as a result.


Cain killed his younger brother Abel, Joseph’s ten elder brothers sold him to become a slave, King Ahab killed his subject Naboth to take possession of his vineyard, and there are many more such examples of the strong oppressing the weak throughout the Bible.


When the twins (Esau and Jacob) fought inside Rebekah’s womb, maybe the Lord was just reminding them that “the older shall serve (not oppress) the younger”.  It also turned out that it was not the older Esau who received God’s blessing, so it was really unnecessary for them to fight.



Principle to Build a Harmonious society


The elder serving the younger, the stronger serving the weaker, the richer serving the poorer - these are in fact all important principles in building a peaceful and harmonious community. Unfortunately, in current times, the stronger ones often take advantage of the weak instead of serving them.


He (John the Baptist) answered and said to them (the crowds), “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” ~ John 3:11


I believe if we start applying this principle by identifying and helping anyone who is less privileged than ourselves today, we can quickly transform our environment into a much more loving and joyful place for everyone to live in. Remember, Jesus is the eldest, the strongest and the richest among all Man; and He serves us all!


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