Christian Living

Christian Living

When Church Has Become a Business


It becomes more and more common for Christian churches to operate like a business. If you have discovered the following characteristics in your Church, gently remind your church leaders and members to restore it to what the Lord has intended.


Pastors function more like CEOs.

Pastors focus more on administration, financing and promotion of the church than the spiritual growth of its members


Praise and worship becomes performance.

Instead of training and developing worship teams, good singers, musicians and performers are invited or even hired to perform worship music.


Members are treated as customers.

Sermons become audience-friendly, and preachers are afraid to speak Bible truth or remind members of their wrong doings..


Preaching sounds more like motivational speaking.

Preachers focus on success, prosperity, physical healing, and other topics that appeal to the carnal desires of the audience.


Believers are entertained rather than being equipped.


Armies of Christ become beloved princes and princesses of Daddy God. 


Prayers have become shopping lists of requests.


Personalised Word study is replaced by standardised programs

Instead of tailor making Bible studies for each church or individual, teaching materials are being designed and mass produced for usage across different churches or even across different countries.


Overseas ministries and evangelists become paid expatriates.

Evangelists keep collecting offerings and requesting prayers for their own needs, rather than planting churches or finding out ways to advance the Kingdom of God.


Church planting resembles franchising.


Numbers are the primary measure of success.


Other churches are seen as competitors.


A living body becomes a lifeless body.


A business empire rather than the Kingdom of God is being advanced.


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