Christian Living

Christian Living

Why Companies Should Hire Christians?



Many companies and HR Managers would hesitate to hire Christians because they consider Christians rather inflexible, and may be unwilling to compromise when they have to do things contradictory to their values. However, even though these comments may be true, there are still many good reasons why a Company should hire Christians for the success of their operations.



1. Christians Produce Values


Most Christians are well seeded in the concept of sowing and reaping. They will therefore naturally produce values to justify their wages, which is different from many worldly employees who may just rob or steal other people’s credits and achievements.


A good example is when Abraham's son Issac dug wells for themselves. The first one was stopped by the Philistines after the death of his father. They dug a second well, but it was soon taken by the herdsman of Gerar. These herdsman continued to quarrel with Issac's people after they dug the third one. Finally, Issac moved away and dug yet another well which they could finally keep for themselves. (Genesis 26:18-26)


With the creative power given to them by God, it is usually just simpler for Christians to create something new than to engage themselves in meaningless fights and quarrels.



2. Christians Offer Creative Solutions


A real Christian has the Spirit of God inside of them! That is why they can often offer creative solutions when they themselves or the organisations they serve face difficult situations.


  • Prophet Daniel saved all the magicians in Babylon by interpreting the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar who commanded to kill them all if his dream could not be remembered and interpreted (Daniel 2)
  • Joseph not only interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, but he also offered a creative solution which made Egypt the most powerful nation in times of famine (Genesis 41:1-40)
  • David was wise enough to discern king Saul’s plan to kill him when even Saul’s own son Jonathan was not aware. As a result, he was able to escape from Saul’s hands (1 Samuel 20).



3. Christians are Honest with Money


Real Christians are usually honest with money. I have a Christian friend who has worked for a family owned eatery for a long time. The Owner would not let her retire because he said he needs someone who can be trusted with daily cash transactions, and he could not find anyone else.



4. Christians are Self Corrective


When Christians do something wrong, there is often a conviction that comes from the inside. It is very common for real Christians who has said something or done something wrong to come back naturally to make corrections for the mistakes they have made.





There are numerous examples in the Bible where employers have been blessed by God’s people who work for them.


  • Joseph worked for Egyptian master Potiphar and Potiphar's entire household was blessed. Joseph worked for Pharaoh and Egypt became the wealthiest and strongest nation. 
  • Jacob tended the sheep for his father-in-law Laban and the Lord greatly multiplied Laban's possessions. 
  • Smart king Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Kingdom used captives from Judah to work for him, and Babylon became the strongest nation, and much much more … 


He (Potiphar) put him (Joseph) in charge of his household and everything he owned. From that time on the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s household because of Joseph. ~ Genesis 38:4-5


Laban said to him (Jacob), “… I’ve discovered by a divine sign that the Lord has blessed me because of you … Jacob said to him, “You know how I’ve worked for you, and how well your livestock have done with me. While in my care, what little you had has multiplied a great deal. The Lord blessed you wherever I took your livestock …” ~ Genesis 30:27-28


Then the king instructed Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the (Judah) king’s descendants and some of the nobles … And the king appointed for them a daily provision of the king’s delicacies and of the wine which he drank, and three years of training for them, so that at the end of that time they might serve before the king. ~ Daniel 1:3-5



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