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What is Anointing?
What is Anointing?       DOWNLOAD     The practice of anointing have often been mentioned in the Bible, but what exactly is anointing? Who gets anointed? And what is the purpose of anointing ...
Nothing will be Impossible for You
Nothing Will Be Impossible For You!     DOWNLOAD   Jesus said if we have faith as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for us (Matthew 17:20)! However, we rarely see this kind of faith am...
True Wealth comes from God
True Wealth comes from God      DOWNLOAD         Everyone wants prosperity, but most people have a misconception that wealth comes from the stock market, a lottery, a well-paying job, or even ...
Fighting Demonic Spirits
Fighting Demonic Spirits      DOWNLOAD   Demonic activities are becoming more common nowadays, but most people do not realise the influence of demonic entities on incidents like failure in rela...


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The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, ~ Proverbs 1:7