Parables & Stories

Parables & Stories

The Bible Summarized in the Story of Adam and Eve
2024-01-09 20:55 The Bible Summarized in the Story of Adam and Eve     The first Adam sinned and was driven out of Eden. Then the last Adam overcame sin and received all authorities in Heaven and on Earth. If we ta...
Did Lamech Escape Judgement by Changing God's Words?
2023-12-18 21:30 Did Lamech Escape Judgement by Changing God's Words?       Who is Lamech?   Lamech is the 6th generation from Adam's firstborn son Cain.   Adam's Genealogy       What Did Lam...
Trust in God, Not Man of God
2023-12-08 22:54 Trust in God, Not Man of God     A Prophet Slain By A Lion   There is an unusual story about two unknown prophets in 1 Kings 13.   When Israel was divided into Northern Kingdom (Israel) and Sou...
A Successful Man of Actions - Zacchaeus
2023-11-11 15:17 A Successful Man of Actions - Zacchaeus     In Luke 19, the Bible devoted 10 verses to describe a man called Zacchaeus. Even though he was a sinner, he quickly received Jesus, and was received by H...
False Prophets and Judgements on Them
2023-10-27 20:46 False Prophets and Judgements on Them   There are records of several false prophets in the Bible, and their stories have been quoted in various occasions as a warning to God's people. It appears...
Why were 7 Nations Driven Out Before the Israelites?
2023-10-18 21:13 Why were 7 Nations Driven Out Before the Israelites?     When the Lord led Israel into the Promised Land, He commanded them to drive out seven greater and mightier nations inhabiting the place. In ...
Why were Ephraim and Dan Cut Off from the Tribes of Israel?
2023-10-18 20:38 Why were Ephraim and Dan Cut Off from the Tribes of Israel?     Origin of Israel as a Nation   On Jacob's way back to the land of his fathers as the Lord commanded him, Jacob wrestled with a ...
Parable - Growth of a Little Boy
2023-10-10 22:35 Growth of a Little Boy   Little Sister Was Born!   Once upon a time, there was a little boy. When he was born, his parents were so excited, and he got all the attention from every adult around him...
Why was Joseph Prosperous as a Slave?
2023-10-06 19:56 Why was Joseph Prosperous as a Slave?     And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. ~ Genesis 39:2   When Joseph, the son of J...
Why did Jesus Heal a Man with Withered Hand on Sabbath?
2023-09-30 13:44 Why Did Jesus Heal a Man Withered Hand on Sabbath?     Jesus healed many people while He was on earth, but the healings which were recorded mostly have special significance..   In Matthew 12:10-1...

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