Parables & Stories

Parables & Stories

Barabbas and the False Messiah



Who is Barabbas?


After Jesus was arrested, Barabbas was mentioned in all four Gospels when Pilate asked the crowd whether they wanted him to release Jesus or prisoner Barabbas, as it was customary to release one Jewish prisoner before Passover Feast at that time (Matthew 27:15-18). But who was Barabbas? And why was he chosen among all the other prisoners?


Barabbas was described as a “notable prisoner” (Matthew 27:16) and “a robber” (John 8:40). So what crime had he committed? Mark further described that “he was among the rebels in prison, who had committed murder in a insurrection” (Mark 15:7). This is also confirmed by Luke who stated that Barabbas “had been thrown into prison for an insurrection started in the city and for murder" (Luke 23:19)


So, why did Pilate choose to free this Barabbas, who was a rebel, a robber and a murderer among all prisoners? And why was he preferred by the Jews over their true Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth?



What is the Meaning of the Name “Barabbas”?


First, let us take a look at the name “Barabbas”. This name “Barabbas” literally means “son of the father”. According to some manuscripts and Jewish texts, his full name was actually “Jesus Barabbas”. This means THERE WERE TWO JESUS at the same time! This could be why Pilate asked the crowd: 


“Whom do you want me to release for you: (Jesus) Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Christ?” ~ Matthew 27: 17



What Actually Happened?


Readers can probably recall that just a few days before the trial of Jesus, people were all excited about Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, and they even enthusiastically spread their clothes on the ground to welcome Him with palm branches! (John 12:12-15) So why was there such a dramatic change? Why actually happened? The following verses may provide an answer.


The chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. ~ Matthew 27:20


Now we know that it was the chief priests and elders who stirred up the crowd! But in addition to that, Herod also seems to play an important role in the crucifixion of Jesus. It is worth noting here that, this Herod is the son of "Herod the Great" who killed all babies when he learnt about Jesus' birth. Herod himself also beheaded John the Baptist and had been seeking to kill Jesus as well (Luke 13:31-32).


As soon as he (Pilate) knew that He (Jesus) belonged to Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent Him to Herod, who was also in Jerusalem at that time … And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused Jesus. Then Herod, with his soldiers, treated Him with contempt and mocked Him, arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe, and sent Him back to Pilate. That very day Pilate and Herod became friends with each other, for previously they had been at enmity with each other. ~ Luke 23:7-12


A thought provoking point is, Pilate had previously wanted to release Jesus! (Matthew 27:15-19) What happened to make him suddenly change his mind to crucify Jesus instead? And why did Pilate and Herod who had been at enmity with each other for so long suddenly become friends? What had happened? Had they reached an agreement? Or did they get any benefits in agreeing to crucify Jesus? 



Tactics of Satan


According to some other Jewish text, it was suggested that Barabbas was arrested because he was among some rebels who protested against the setting up of an idol image in the synagogue. Since destroying idol worship was considered a heroic act and fits in the "Jewish image of a Messiah”, could the crowd be persuaded to believe that this "Jesus Barabbas" was their real Messiah?


We know that it is a common tactic of Satan to “produce” false prophets, false teachers and false doctrines to deceive the crowd. So could this "Barabbas” who was also called “Jesus” be someone who had been purposely arranged to confuse the crowd?


We probably cannot obtain enough evidence to prove anything now, but an unfortunate fact is, even though Satan has used this tactic over and over again, he is still able to deceive many.



Christ and the Anti-Christ


Moreover, we know that this deception is going to happen again when the anti-Christ comes on the scene. This is because Jesus has already warned us about this: 


"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." ~ Matthew 24:24


Therefore, taking this incident of Barabbas as a warning, let us be vigilant to fight against any deception.



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