Parables & Stories

Parables & Stories

Life of Jesus Shown in Astronomical Signs



China is one of the earliest nations in the world to study astronomy, and they have kept detailed records of astronomical signs over the years. It is now shocking to many people who have discovered that several Chinese astronomy records correspond precisely to the birth, crucification and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Birth of Jesus


“In the second day of the second month, a comet rose out of star Altair for more than 70 days. Altair, the sun, the moon, and the five stars are now in motion, which signifies the beginning of a new epoch - the beginning of a new year, a new month and a new day. Appearance of comet signifies change. The fact that the comet stayed in the sky for such a long time indicates that what was happening is extremely important.” ~ Astronomy Records of the Book of Han Dynasty, dated 9 March 5BC.


二月二日,彗星出,牽牛七十餘日。傳日,牽牛日月,五星所從起。歷數之元,三正之始。彗而出之,更改之象也。其出久者,為其事大也。~ 漢書 天文志 


The above record was made on 9 March 5 BC. It is recorded that a comet rose out of star Altair, and travelled across the sky for 70 days. Chinese astronomers interpreted this as the sign of a new epoch. This record corresponds to the time around Jesus’ birth. 


According to the Bible, wise men came from the East to worship the just born Messiah. Since travelling time from China to Jerusalem was about 70 days at that time, could these wise men have come from China?


Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him” … When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. ~ Matthew 2:1-9



Crucifixion of Jesus


In 31AD, there was a solar eclipse. This indicates that the man from Heaven had been destroyed.” ~ Chronicles of Emperor Gwang Wu, No. 18


After this solar eclipse, the Emperor (Gwang Wu) shuts himself up in his palace for five days, not managing any country affairs. The military also ceased all their activities at the same time. The king was fearful to see the signs in the sky, and he felt sorrowful for what had happened. ~ History of Latter Han Dynasty, Chronicles of Emperor Gwang Wu, 7th year


癸亥日蝕,天人崩。 ~ 志第十八


癸亥晦,日有食之,避正殿,寢兵,不聽事五日。韶曰: 吾德薄致災。謫見日月,戰栗恐懼,夫何言哉! 其上書者,不得言聖。 ~ 後漢書,光武帝第七年


The above writing recorded that a solar eclipse occurred in 31AD. This indicated that the man from Heaven had been destroyed, and the Emperor shut himself up in his palace for five days for fear and remorse from what had happened. 


According to the Bible, it is also recorded that there was complete darkness over the whole land from the sixth to the ninth hour before Jesus gave His last breath. Could this complete darkness be caused by a solar eclipse as recorded in the Chinese historical records?


Now when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” ~ Mark 15:33-34



Resurrection of Jesus


Three days after the eclipse, it is written in Chinese historical records that the sun was surrounded by clouds, and there was a rainbow that "goes through" the sun. Even though this description was not found in the Bible, it is quite likely that this could have happened because rainbow symbolise God’s Covenant. With the resurrection of Jesus, our New Covenant with God also takes effect.


During the reign of Emperor Gwang Wu, on the day of Bing Yin of the fourth month of Emperor Jiang Wu, the sun was surrounded by clouds, and there was a rainbow that 'goes through' the sun” ~ History of Latter Han, Chronicles No.18, Gui Hai


光武建武七年四月丙寅,日有雲抱,日虹貫雲。 ~ 後漢書,志第十八



The Role of China in God’s Plan of Salvation


Even though not much record of China is found in the Bible, we do believe that Chinese people, being descendants of Shem, play a very important role in God’s salvation plan. We will discuss more about this later in another blog post.


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