Parables & Stories

Parables & Stories

Was Adam Deceived by Eve to Eat the Forbidden Fruit?




"She (Eve) took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband (Adam) with her; and he did eat."  ~ Genesis 1:6


It is recorded in the Book of Genesis that Adam ate the forbidden fruit that Eve gave to him. But was Adam deceived by Eve? 


Actually, the fruit was in the Garden of Eden all the time before Eve appeared, but Adam was not tempted! In fact, it was Adam who told his wife Eve not to eat. How then, could Adam be deceived by a younger and more innocent Eve? Besides, Eve had no intention to deceive her husband Adam! She herself was a victim deceived by the serpent!


My speculation was - Adam ate the forbidden fruit because he did not want to be separated from Eve.


After Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Adam knew that something bad was going to happen. However, he did not want to leave Eve who was created to be a weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7) to face it alone. He therefore followed Eve so they would go through any consequence together. In the end, Adam lost his position as a king, and was cast out from the Garden of Eden to suffer with Eve in the Fallen World. He did not blame her, leave her, nor forsake her.


It may be difficult to fathom this kind of sacrificial love nowadays, but Adam was created in the image of God! And doesn't this incident remind us of someone?


Yes! Christ left His Kingdom in Heaven and suffered in the Fallen World to save His Bride! He did not blame us, leave us, nor forsake us! The Bible often uses the analogy of a man's love for a woman to help us understand the love of Christ for the Church.


Christ gave up all He had to save His Church, His Body, and His Bride. This is the love God breathed into Adam when He created Adam in His own image. This explains why the last Adam Jesus gave up everything and went through all the sufferings in the world to be reunited with His beloved Bride.


In fact, Father God has already prophesied this in the Book of Genesis:


"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."  ~ Genesis 2:24




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