Bible Thoughts

Bible Thoughts

Is it Easier to Say, "Your Sins are Forgiven", or "Take up Your Bed and Walk?"
2023-09-14 16:04 Is it Easier to Say "Your Sins are Forgiven", or "Take Up Your Bed and Walk?"     It has been recorded in the Gospels that, when Jesus healed a man with palsy by saying "Your sins are forgiven", th...
Why New Wine Must be Put into New Wineskins?
2023-09-12 14:54 Why New Wine Must be Put into New Wineskins?     It is written in the following Scripture that new wine must be put into new wineskins:   And no man puts a bit of new cloth on an old garment, for...
What Does "Writing Laws on Our Hearts" Mean?
2023-09-12 14:43 What Does "Writing Laws on Our Hearts" Mean?     In the Book of Jeremiah, the Prophet prophesied that God will make a New Covenant with His people as follows:   But this is the covenant which I w...
Preparing for End Time Harvest
2023-09-01 17:28 Preparing for End Time Harvest   One day while I was pondering the injustice throughout the world, a question suddenly came to my mind - how would God see the corruption in this world? Then, an answ...
Discipline of a Loving Father
2023-08-19 22:18 Discipline of a Loving Father       God's Relationship With Israel   All nations know that the Lord loves Israel. When Israel was oppressed by its enemies, the Lord fought for them and del...
Why Should Men Obey God's Laws?
2023-08-19 10:49 Why Should Men Obey God's Laws?     IS GOD A TYRANT?   Many people have a question why the Bible put so much emphasis on "obedience". Is it because God is a tyrant? No! It is precisely becaus...

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