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Extraordinary King Jesus
  Extraordinary King Jesus       DOWNLOAD     Many people do not realise that Jesus is a King because He appears as a humble servant. But Jesus is a King!    Being a descendant of David, J...
Prophetic Timeline of 1260, 1290, 1335 and 2300 Days
PROPHETIC TIMELINE OF 1260, 1290, 1335 AND 2300 DAYS      DOWNLOAD     According to the Bible, it is pretty obvious that the End of Days is getting closer, and it is quite possible the many pe...
Covenant is LOVE
Covenant is LOVE!       DOWNLOAD     Many people do not understand why God made Covenants with Man, but Covenant is actually an expression of LOVE!   Being the Creator of all things, our Go...
Kingship on the Earth
Kingship on the Earth (Kingship Series)       DOWNLOAD     People often have a misunderstanding that kings and rulers are elected through their own systems. The fact is, this world is create...
70 Weeks Prophecy
70 Weeks Prophecy     DOWNLOAD   Before the Jewish nation was captured by Babylon, Jeremiah prophesied that Judah will be in exile for 70 years.    When the end of these 70 years was approach...
Warfare of the New Generation
Warfare of the New Generation (*Most Popular)       DOWNLOAD   Whether we like it or not, Christians are always at war. There is a saying that, if Christians do not know they are in a warfare, ...
The Power of Words
The Power of Words       DOWNLOAD       In modern times, many people tell lies, make false promises, and utter meaningless words. However, people in the past used to treat spoken words very ...
Courage Through Faith
Courage Through Faith      DOWNLOAD     Many people seem to be living in fear nowadays - fear of pestilence, fear of wars, fear of crimes, and the list goes on. However, many characters in the...
Progressive Fasting
Progressive Fasting      DOWNLOAD   Recently, more people have become aware of the benefits of fasting, and many fasting methods have been introduced, such as intermittent fasting and water fas...
Who Will Be Saved? Who Will NOT?
Who Will Be Saved? Who Will NOT?       DOWNLOAD   Jesus told us that NOT everyone who calls Him “Lord, Lord” will be saved. So in the end, who will be saved? And who will not?   “Not everyon...


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The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, ~ Proverbs 1:7