News & Prophecies

News & Prophecies

King Cyrus and President Trump
2024-07-06 King Cyrus and President Trump     Will President Trump win the Election in 2024? I will be bold to say this, “Yes, I believe he will win.” However, this is not because of the poll, his performance...
Beware of Hail Storms
2024-02-27 Beware of Hail Storms     Function of Hail Storms   Hail storms have become more and more frequent in recent years. Most people just see this as a natural phenomenon, but hail storm actually has ...
What is "Second Death"?
2024-02-21 What is "Second Death"?     What is "Second Death"?   The term "second death" was first mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and was defined in the following two verses.   And death and hell we...
Importance of Common People to a Nation
2024-01-18 IMPORTANCE OF COMMON PEOPLE TO A NATION     In our last blog post “Four Types of Earthly Kingdoms”, we mentioned that all  forms of Earthly Kingdoms have been summarised in the image of a statue se...
Four Types of Earthly Kingdoms
2024-01-15 Four Types of Earthly Kingdoms     The Bible is very concise. It describes all four types of kingdoms in our world in just one single image - the image seen by Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in his...
Are We Not Supposed to Know the Time?
2023-12-30 Are We Not Supposed to Know the Time?     There is an interesting phenomena among many Christians nowadays that, whenever anyone talks about the Day of Jesus’ Second Coming, he or she will immediat...
Touch Not Mine Anointed!
2023-10-29 Touch Not Mine Anointed!     With the war in Israel becoming more intense, we feel both a need and a responsibiity to share some important Scriputres here.   Nations will be Judged on account of ...
Proposal of "Two State Solution" for Israel
2023-10-14 Proposal of "Two State Solution" for Israel   On 4 August 2022, lightning struck near White House and 3 people were killed. However, most people were not aware that, August 4 was also the birthday o...
9.11 and the End Times
2023-10-07 9.11 and the End Times   Some years ago, I had two consecutive dreams. In the first one, I saw the Great Flood; and in the second one, I saw the 9.11 Attack. When I woke up, I had a very strong feel...
Why Global Depopulation Must Fail?
2023-09-26 Why Global De-population Must Fail?     Global De-populaton and Agenda 21   It is believed that the Great Reset Globalist Elites are planning to bring world population down by 95%. Their target i...

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